Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010

Sidney Crosby's Late Night Ritual:
After riding his exercise bike for 8 minutes and 7 seconds, Sidney proceeds to the kitchen. He drinks a Gatorade, puts on his Penguins pajama's, and calls for his stepfather. Mario walks him to his room, tucks him in, and they begin having their usual conversation...
-"So Sid, what did you think of yesterday's game?", says Mario.
-"Well dad, I was mad. I really was. Frustration got the best of me and I broke my stick. I'm going to try and sleep, but it's going to be hard. I dissapointed alot of my TimBits friends.", said Sid.
-"Son, the game of hockey can be like that. In your case, you are unique in that the league loves you. So you can do whatever you want, and nothing will happen. So don't worry about your stick, well get you a new one and your TimBits friends will still love you.", replied Lemieux.
-"Thanks boss, I always know I can count on you. Even when people make fun of my red lips, you always cheer me up."-- says Sid.
-"Well, were here for you kid. We want you to succeed, that's why you've been living with us and not Evgeni or Jordan. You are the chosen one, but pretty soon it will be time for you to make certain choices. Like what car to buy, how many powerplays you want per game, and maybe even... (says while faking a cough)... which house to buy.", Mario replies.
-"Mario, I just want to live with you and your family. I feel like I'm back home in Nova Scotia here, and the Mellon arena is my backyard rink. I can't ever see myself living alone, I would probably cry like I do when I talk to Mr. Bettman on the telephone.", said Crosby while fighting tears.
-"Alright son, we can talk in the future about that. What's important now is that you get a good night's rest, and prepare yourself for Tuesday's game. I just spoke to Gary, and were going to get 7 powerplays and the Habs only 2, so we have to take advantage of that.", whispers Mario.
-"Thanks Super Mario, I'll try sleep for 8 hours and 7 minutes now. And I'm going to dream about how to cope with all the booing the Montrealers will do to me on Tuesday. I hope it won't be too much, I really liked that team and don't want the fans to hurt my feelings.", says Sid.
Lemieux rolls his eyes, quickly shuts off the lights and closes the door. "I'll wake you up at 8:07".....
"These head movies make my eyes rain" -Simple Jack