Thursday, April 22, 2010


My Bat-computer.

Yes, I recently pimped-out my mac with a bitchin' BATMAN decal.

Watch as the mac-bat emblem glows ominously in the darkness.

I was always partial to Frank Miller's explanation of why Batman wore bright yellow on his bat-emblem-- it attracts the eyes of potential shooters and makes them aim for the chest (which has extra kevlar protection) as opposed to aiming for the cowl, which is more vulnerable to bullets. It almost makes sense.

Imagine if the bat-emblem glowed like Iron-Man's chest piece? I'm surprised no one thought of this yet. It could be used as a strobe that Batman uses to blind opponents in the darkness... and it would give Nolan an opportunity to give us a yellow bat-emblem in the next film, if only for a fleeting moment. Nolan gave us Batman with white eyes (like he's drawn in the comics) at the end of the Dark Knight when Bats activated the sonar device, so why not give us the yellow emblem for a brief moment?

I miss the yellow-oval bat emblem.

Your Friend,


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