Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Hanging with the great Jeremy Renner.

Saw the HURT LOCKER a second time yesterday and it dawned on me that the film is about addiction. The awesome Renner plays a junkie who's addicted to War. Ultimately I feel the film is a metaphor for America's long tradition and addiction to the bloodlust of War.


At the end of the picture Renner's character, an EOD bomb defusing expert, goes home to his wife and kid after a year long tour of duty. He has a monologue about how, as we get older there are fewer and fewer things that make him happy. And eventually there's only one or two things that will do the trick for him. Well, for him there's only one thing. He says this while looking and playing with his adorable baby boy. We think he's talking about his love for his boy but then we cut to Renner stepping off a plane in the desert. He's in his Bomb defusing suit with a big shit-eating grin on his face while the Ministry blares on the soundtrack. He's grinning like a crackhead about to get his fix, as he prepares for another 365 day tour of duty.

The film is brilliant in its depiction of the human beings involved in this bloody, ugly War. And to its credit, the film never takes a stance as to whether the War is good, bad, wrong or right. That's for us to decide. Awesome, awesome film. I continue to say that Hurt Locker is like sucking on an adrenaline popsicle for two hours and we've never quite seen a character like Renner's on the big screen. He's the rockstar of bomb defusers. On a side note, Jeremy Renner is a real class act; smart, erudite and laser-focused. A genuinely good human being. Funny as hell too.

Your Friend,


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