Yeah, we had kick ass seats.
Not going to talk about the game. You could read about the details on ESPN or Habs won 4-2 over the Kings.
I want to talk about the atmosphere at the Staple Center. It was a sellout crowd (which is rare from what I understand) and I swear to you that the crowd was 40 to 50 percent Montreal Canadiens Fans. It was unbelievable the amount of Habs blood red jerseys that were in the stands. An impressive, awe-inspiring sight. The "Go Habs Go" chanting drowned out any chants the Kings Fans attempted to start. Made it a great experience for the Wife and I.
I also want to talk about the great and classy people I befriended throughout the game-- There was the elderly couple behind us who were die-hard Kings fans. The husband came to only his second game of the season because he was fighting cancer. Very gracious and sweet. I also want to thank Nick, the gentleman who offered to buy us beer if the Habs were winning after two periods-- which they were. We declined but he still showed up with the beer at the top of the 3rd period. Once again, a classy Kings fan. There was also the couple that followed the Kings around North America and had been to almost every hockey arena except for two places: Dallas and Washington (they are going to Dallas next week). I was amazed and slightly jealous at their journey. What an awesome road trip idea. Could even make a pretty cool movie. And they say there's no hockey fanatics in LA. Finally, there was the very sweet David Garfinkle who came all the way from Montreal with his 10 year old son to watch the Habs play the Kings. His son's eyes were sparkling with delight. A real sweet man, a swell Canadian.
My Wife sporting her true colors. Recently converted her into a Habs fan. Was formerly a Kings Fan. I know, no one's perfect.
Once again, kickass seats. Look to the bottom right corner-- yup that's Mr. Sandra Bullock aka Jesse James.
The Lowly Kings. Yeah, we were sitting right above where the Kings come out onto the ice. Pretty sweet--if you're a Kings fan.
It was a great night. Thrilling. The game was close but what really struck me was the kinship of the people all around us. Everyone bonded and there were no cheap-shot remarks. Everyone was friendly, courteous and classy. Really surprising, especially in the normally shark-like atmosphere Los Angelenos revel in. It kind of restored my faith in humanity. At least on this night it did.
Oh, how glorious it would be for the Habs to face the Kings in the Stanley Cup Final like in 1993. Guess who was the winner then? Thank you Marty Mcsorley!
Speak soon.
Your Friend,
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