Haven't posted in forever. Was knee deep in a project. Have about a week or so before I begin the next writing assignment, so I thought I would give you guys a little update on my shenanigans. I went to the San Diego Comicon last weekend and these are my thoughts on the event.
The DC Universe trailer was better than any comic book film ever made. This is how you make a Justice League film WB!
My Wife wanted me to take a picture of nerds in action. True story. These geeks came to comicon to play cards. I'm a geek but come on, guys! You're making us look bad.
The very awesome Bear Jew from Inglorious Basterds. Eli Roth is the shit. Great genre stuff ahead for him. You'll see.
Giant life-size Na'vi was damn sexy. Cameron knew what he was doing when he designed this creature. Maximum sexiness.
One of the cool Hall H panels. Way too many people and much stabbier than I thought it would be. Geeks can be a violent lot. Comicon, I implore you to move to Vegas!
Luche Libre was represented at the Con. Bring it on. Would be nice to be here next year with QUEBRADA!
Wife and I posing with BartMan. Notice the Wife with her new EXPENDABLES tattoo. I got one as well, courtesy of the fine folks at Lionsgate. It was one of the cooler promotions at Comicon. Yes, my wife is the shit.
Justice League Unite! This warms my heart. Can't say why but it does. I love me some geeks who have the balls to show up in full costume. Kudos!
Who ya gonna call? That was the question I asked myself while waiting in line for the UTA party all night long. Long, ugly story.
District 9 kid creature was sufficiently creepy and yet endearing. You just want to pick him up and feed him MM's or Reeses Pieces;)
Very cool building advert for the Strauss Brothers SKYLINE. The brothers completely financed the film by themselves and own the print. Ballsy. I like it. My way of doing business.
My first experience at the San Diego Comicon was eye-popping but also extremely exhausting. As much as I loved walking the floor, I do believe the Con has to be moved to somewhere like Las Vegas. The Con has outgrown San Diego. There's not enough room and far too many geeks and pretend geeks flooding the streets of San Diego. There is much price-gauging, as in-- 10$ an hour parking-- to sky high prices for decidedly crappy Hotel Rooms. Las Vegas would instantly eliminate all those problems... and the nightlife is way cooler in Sin City.
My impressions of the Con:
Well, it didn't start off smoothly-- I won't get into the details but some people we're not very kind to yours truly (even after they saw them waiting in a crazy line-up)-- while some did their best to make the situation flow smoothly. I won't mention names but they know who they are.
Hall H is a disaster zone. Line-ups begin at 7:00AM and it only gets worse and crankier all day long. We managed to finagle our way in, only because my Wife has a huge set of cajones but this event needs to move to Vegas, so they can get a huge 20 000 seater for the big presentations (Thor, Captain America, Green Lantern, etc).
Security is way too lax. The Wife and I were musing that so many costumed characters have realistic looking guns, knives and other assorted weaponry that it would be extremely easy to smuggle in the real thing and take out the entire Avengers panel... and moments later the news that someone was stabbed in the face with a pen in Hall H spread like wildfire. It was a weird psychic moment. One of many coincidences that happened this past weekend.
The people of San Diego: Some were nice and some tried to run me over. While walking in a parking lot after the Con, an asshole that was in line to pay suddenly decided to back up for no apparent reason, hitting me. The weird part-- I was telling my Wife-- "Wouldn't it suck if this guy suddenly backs up"... and then he did. I got angry at the culprit and instead of apologizing, the douchebag was about to come out of his car and start a fight. Stay classy San Diego.
Don Murphy was right about San Diego... but that's another story for another blog.
My final thoughts on Comicon: Overwhelming, exhausting and sometimes infuriating. Will only go back when they change venue/locations/city and when my film is featured at the Con.
It shouldn't be called Comicon anymore. It should be called BLOCKBUSTER-CON because the actual comic booths were located in the ass end of the hall. San Diego Comicon has become the Cannes of Blockbusters. Made me sad really. What made me sadder was hearing legendary comic writer Chris Clairemont lament the fate of comic books and how they've become second and third fiddle to the films at Comicon. It was kind of heartbreaking to see such desolation and resignation in Clairemont's eyes.
The women were a lot hotter than I thought they would be. There was a lot more scantily clad chicks than I've ever seen in one place. Way too many Slave Leia's (can there be such a thing?). Wife was surprised as well.
I did enjoy walking the floor quite a bit. Bought some plushies for my baby girl and got lots of cool geek swag that I'm still sifting through.
See you next time Comicon! Hopefully in Vegas!
Your Friend,
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