Saturday, October 24, 2009


OK. Let's get this out of the way. I'm a dork, as evidenced by the above photo. What can I say, I love Batman and just bought the mask (it's a cowl for those in the know). My immediate response was to put it on and make scary faces at my wife and speak in BatBale-voice (ie. repeatedly screaming "Where are they?!!!" to an imaginary Joker in my living room). 

On some insane level I actually think I look cool. My wife thought the Cowl made me look sexy and she genuinely meant it  (reason number 6337 of why I love my Wife so much). It's the suit. Chicks have always dug the suit. Something about skin-tight rubber makes a girl all gooey inside. But the mask is so insanely tight on my huge melon head with Ifro (Italian Afro) that I had a Cowl-induced headache after wearing it for just under 4 minutes. My question is: How the fuck did Bale work in this thing 8 to 10 hours a day? No wonder the guy is a misanthrope who's always pissed off at the world. I would be to. My face was sweaty and had deep mask marks when I finally took off the cowl (I was feeling faint by the third minute). By mask marks, I mean-- my face had the entire outline of the cowl deeply imprinted on it after removing it. It was like I had a flesh-colored cowl for a face. I sadly thought that looked cool as well. The Wife is still laughing.

Still debating wether or not I'm wearing the Cowl this Halloween (my Wife really wants me too and will make it worth my while if I do) or will I take the easy route and be Bats "sans cowl"? We'll see.

Your Friend,


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