Monday, March 15, 2010


I normally frown upon posting pics of myself. But this one's for Marincic. Actual proof that I don't always wear black. I call it my "Back to PANDORA" shirt. Was forced, coerced, cajoled, etc. into wearing this by the Wife. It's great for cloaking stains.

There was some hookah at the Hawaiian themed party. I call it strawberry pot. Love the disco vase.

As you can see, not everyone got with the program at the Tiki-themed party.

Flora, The Wife, Diana the B-day Girl & Moi. Photo taken moments before people in said photo began to lose their ability to walk upright. It wasn't an inner ear problem.

Things did get slightly out of control as the party went deep into the night. Lots of people having trouble remaining upright. I have photos but I don't have the heart to post them... yet. Was fun for the most part.

Your Friend,


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